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12 maart 2014

I made it.

I have never been so damn proud of myself as I am now.
Sure graduating a couple of times is something to be proud of and learning to stand on your own two feet is an accomplishment for everybody. But I did something I never thought possible.

Remember I told you some time ago that I entered this Business run in a moment of sheer giddiness without really knowing what I signed up for? Well I completed it.
I ran like my freaking life depended on it and I made it to the finish line. And I wasn't even last either!
Not even last from my own team!

I think you understand that my bubble is getting bigger and bigger and nothing can make it go 'pop' right now.

It's a good day; the sun is up, very little wind. I am loving it.

For a very untrained person like me(I never made it further than 1.5k during practice) I did pretty damn well. I have to admit that I couldn't run the 5k straight; at times I walked a bit. But overall; damn proud of myself!

The last kilometer, right before the finish everybody was cheering you on. Made me feel good.
The only big disappointment was when I thought I just had to round the corner to cross the finish line.

Wrong. Very wrong.

I had to round the freaking corner and run alllll the way to the end of the road to cross that line I came to love and hate at the same time.
When I did I felt everything at the same time; exhiliration, disbelief, pride, the urige to pass out. The last one did get switched off with the urge to vomit.
When I was done gasping for oxygen I did not know how to compose myself; I did something I thought was impossible!

Luckily one of my colleagues kept her end of a silly deal we made; I run the 5k and she would be standing at the finish line with a cold glass of wine for me. She thought I did such an amazing job (the people who know me will understand that for me, this Day will go in the top 10 best moments of my life) that I deserved a complete bottle, just for myself. It tastes like sweet victory.


After a quick shower in the hotel I went back to cheer the pro's for the 10k on. They all think I will join them next year in the 10k run. Yeah.


Maybe the 5k again to see if I can improve my time and skills. MAYBE.

We'll see...


First I need to deal with the sore muscles and polishing my medal.
My Precious...


Oh by the way: my time?






Now where is my wine?





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